Career Tarot Spread

Career Tarot Spread

If your Monday mornings create a wave of nausea when it is time to wake up or if some feel great while others leave you wishing you were anywhere else or even if they make you feel good, but you want something more specific, a career tarot spread is for you. The career tarot spread speaks to these issues to help you find your calling. The career tarot spread is a six card spread that tells you the next right steps to get to where you want to be. This spread looks at the here and now and future potentials to look forward to when it comes to finding your unique path. Each card shares something specific which will be shared below.

  • Card 1 – Purpose in Life – While we all know what we do for money is not necessarily our purpose. but why should it not be what brings in some income? Each lifetime we live brings us to a cultural and historical point in time. This is no mistake or random event. There is a purpose in where and when we are as part of the soul’s karmic evolution. Forces well beyond us helped to choose our current existence. We all have a unique gift to share with the world. What is yours?
  • Card 2 – Motivation – It is not difficult to know what you want and what helps you get energized or the opposite, drained. Knowing what best motivates you is a clue to your possible care.
  • Card 3 – Strengths – Own what you know and how you do it. There is no need to over or under estimate your skills. Take stock of all the things you do each day and focus on the skills, experience, personality, and education you already possess that make all this possible. You are already pretty resourceful.
  • Card 4 – Weaknesses – Even top achievers have weaknesses. Do not let these weaknesses from achieving your dreams. Know what they are and either how to work around them or fix them.
  • Card 5 – Next Steps to a Perfect Career – Is there something missing in your skillset that new information could correct? Find the tool, materials, or training that you need to acquire to build up your skills so if you need to, you can move to a new organization or job that values what you know.
  • Card 6 – Future Opportunities to be Aware of – Just having an intention to notice and be open to new opportunities in the future is needed to invite them to manifest. Spend a bit of time each day or week looking into potential opportunities. Maybe a simple mindset shift can help you find some undiscovered aspect in your new situation. Circumstances change when we change. Do you want this?

As with any tarot reading, go in with the correct mindset with a focus on what you wish to learn. Also seek out a reputable reader that does career readings. This will give you the best chance of finding what you want to know.