What Does the Temperance Card Mean?

Temperance Card

The 14th card in the Major Arcana group is the Temperance card. This card is associated with the Sagittarius, and it can mean to have patience and to be balanced. As you live your life, you can look into the future, and you can have clear seeing in what you want. Everything that you do, you should do whatever it takes to do the right thing and to make the right choices. Make sure that you are doing things at the right time and that you are letting things work naturally for you.

When you get a tarot card reading and the Temperance card shows up, it can mean that you don’t let things bother you. It can mean that you are full of peace and that you are feeling calm and seeing things from a different perspective. This card can also mean that you need to look deeply into your life and find what your purpose is.

What Does the Temperance Mean from the Past?

If the Temperance card is found in the present position when you do a spread, it can mean that you need to live your life moderately. You need to have balance no matter what is going on or you will get worn out. This card can also mean that things will pass that are challenging you and this will help you to be able to balance yourself.

What Does the Temperance Mean for the Future?

The future with the Temperance card can mean that when you have had things happening in your life, they can work out. It is important to keep things balanced and to make sure that you are living a stable life.

Temperance Card and Relationships

If you are someone that is single, you will find relationships in your life. This card can mean that you are ready to find the best kind of relationship and when you work hard, you will get what you want. This card can also mean that you will know who you are.

The Temperance card means that you need to be patient and let the relationship come to you when time is on your side. If you want to commit to someone, you need to find someone that is marriage minded to date.

In a Relationship

If you are in a relationship and the Temperance card comes, it can mean that you are in a relationship that is good and that you value each other. It can also mean that you have a connection that is fun and balanced and that if you are facing issues, you can solve them easily.

Temperance Card for Careers

If the Temperance card shows up when you are getting a career reading, it can mean that you are someone that is a good leader and that people look up to you. You are probably someone that is patient no matter what is happening around you. You can help your co-workers to see situations that they are facing from different perspectives, but you need to know that you are being a great example for other people.

If you want to change your job, the Temperance card can mean that you should find a job that is a healing or a psychological job. You also might want to look into being an herbalist or a pharmacist or even a teacher.

What Does Temperance Mean for Your Finances?

Getting a financial reading can mean that you need to know more about how to handle your money. If the Temperance card shows up in your reading, you probably are able to balance your finances. Make sure that you notice what you are spending and that you are following a budget. When you keep building your financial success you will see that you should not be taking risks on getting rich, but you should keep working hard to be successful.