Understanding Tarot Card Numerology

Tarot Card Numerology

Tarot numerology is when the tarot cards have numbers and meanings. When you get a tarot card reading, the tarot cards that show up in the spread can show the person getting the reading what they need to do in their life. The numbers of the cards can help them understand what is going to happen in their life.

One way to do a tarot card reading and use numerology is to look at the tarot cards that are part of the Minor Arcana group. These cards are numbered one to ten, and they are part of four suits: Staffs, Vessels, Coins, and Swords. The suits have other names depending on what kind of tarot card deck you use.

  • Staff Suit

The staff cards are also known as the wands, clubs, rods, or staves. These are a group of cards that work with the fire element, and they include the zodiac signs of Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo. This card can show you that you need to have more enthusiasm and you need to get rid of chaos in your life. This card can show you that you can be driven, passionate, and sexual and that you can be successful and motivated. There are energies for creativity in this suit.

  • Vessels Suit

The vessel suit is also known as the cups, goblets, cauldrons, or hearts. This suit works with the water element and can be a cleansing and purifying card. It can show you that water can get rid of negativity and boost emotions and feelings. It can show you that you have strong intuition and can connect your desire with love. You can look at your heart and the hearts of those that you love in a positive way.

  • Coins Suit

The coins suit also is known as pentacles, rings, disks, and diamonds. This is an earth element suit, and it works with Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo. This card suit can show you that you are standing on something solid. It can show you that even if the earth moves and crashes, you will not be able to destroy it. This suit works with finances, material things, stability, reliability, and things that are physical.

  • Swords Suit

The swords suit is also called knives, blades, and spades. It is represented by the air element and works with the signs of Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius. This suit can show you that you might need to be cleansed. It shows you that when storms come, you can use logic to work through your conflicts, which can bring balance.

Minor Arcana Cards and Numerology

There are numbers of the tarot cards in the Minor Arcana that are numbered one to ten. This is what they mean:

  • Ace or One Card

This card can show you that there can be new things in your life. It can mean having a new beginning and being able to find good things in your life, such as luck or fortune. When many of the ones or ace cards appear in a reading, it can mean a yes answer. Here is what the ace cards can mean:

    • Ace of Staffs card: Life, courage, and being inspired.
    • Ace of Vessels card: Strong intuition, divine sources, love, and care.
    • Ace of Swords card: Having clear thinking, mental strength, and speaking truth.
    • Ace of Coins card: Manifesting good things, being prosperous.
  • Two Card

This card can mean having balance and peace. It shows you that you can have a choice, and it is a duality card. It can bring things together and even pair people together. When you need to make a decision, this card can support you:

    • Two of Staffs Card: Making small decisions, having plans and ideas.
    • Two of Vessels Card: Strong emotions, agreeing with others, mutual attraction.
    • Two of Swords Card: Being stagnant, having a hard time making decisions.
    • Two of Coins Card: Putting your time together, planning your finances.
  • Three Card

The number three can mean growing and being fertile. It can also mean that you have abundance and that you are coming together with others, such as the ones or the twos. It can mean a group or working as a team:

    • Three of Staffs Card: Having good things coming to your life, being thankful and positive.
    • Three of Vessels Card: Having joy and being playful with your friends.
    • Three of Swords Card: Having pain or bad communication, feeling separated or disappointed.
    • Three of Coins Card: This can show teamwork or a trinity.
  • Four Card

The number four can represent being sturdy and having a strong foundation. It can mean that you are grounded and that you need to be stable. This card can mean that you have a good structure:

    • Four of Staffs Card: Doing positive things, celebrating, and maybe getting married.
    • Four of Vessels Card: Getting what someone offers you, having apathy, and being detached.
    • Four of Swords Card: Needing rest, not taking action.
    • Four of Coins Card: Being secure and not being selfish.
  • Five Card

The number five can mean not having stability and having to face challenges. If you have a lot of fives, though, it can mean change, and it can be a good thing:

    • Five of Staffs Card: Arguing, not wanting to compete, challenges.
    • Five of Vessels Card: Grief, negativity, realizing not everything is going to be lost.
    • Five of Swords Card: When a loss takes over a win, feeling bullied or defeated.
    • Five of Coins Card: Hope even after problems, hardships, and despair.
  • Six Card

The number six means communicating and having balance and peace. It can mean that you can overcome challenges:

    • Six of Staffs Card: Victory, being married and having success.
    • Six of Vessels Card: Being childlike, having joy and healing.
    • Six of Swords Card: Moving forward, going back to someplace you left.
    • Six of Coins Card: Being kind and giving, fulfilling your desire.
  • Seven Card

The number seven is one, which means faith, having knowledge, and looking deep into your life. It can show you that you need to look deep into your life and you need to take time to understand what is going on:

    • Seven of Staffs Card: Hope, being defensive, fighting a good fight.
    • Seven of Vessels Card: Confused, overwhelmed, addictive behaviors.
    • Seven of Swords Card: Loss, being robbed, deceived, and other bad things, but staying positive.
    • Seven of Coins Card: Being positive and growing.
  • Eight Card

The number eight means to master something and to be protected. It can mean that you can accomplish anything, and as you experience growth, you will be able to achieve whatever you want:

    • Eight of Staffs Card: Good news, moving, traveling.
    • Eight of Vessels Card: Going past difficult times, facing rejection.
    • Eight of Swords Card: Being stuck, overthinking things, feeling trapped.
    • Eight of Coins Card: Finding a way to solve problems, gaining more knowledge, and working hard.
  • Nine Card

The number nine is a number that means to be fulfilled and to expand your life. When you see a lot of cards that are the number nine, you will be able to reach goals and make plans. This can mean that you can get what you desire:

    • Nine of Staffs Card: Grounding, being strong, having strength and knowing that the worst things have passed.
    • Nine of Vessels Card: Finding pleasure, fulfilling your life, getting your wishes.
    • Nine of Swords Card: Don’t worry. Find answers, and know that things aren’t as scary as they seem.
    • Nine of Coins Card: Getting abundance, rewarding your life, having peace.
  • Ten Card

The number ten is a card that means completing things. It can also mean going through cycles and reaching your goals. Seeing this card in numerology can mean that you are having a new beginning:

    • Ten of Staffs Card: Knowing you need to work towards your goals, eliminating burdens.
    • Ten of Vessels Card: Being married or happy or finding a partner, finding love.
    • Ten of Swords Card: Rising hope, the worst is now over.
    • Ten of Coins Card: Finding family, fulfilling your life, the Tree of Life.

Numbers and Tarot Cards

Numbers and tarot cards go hand in hand together. You can find things about your life and the lives of others by using both numerology and tarot. When you see the same number over and over again in a reading, this can give you a strong message. You need to trust the cards and let them guide you along your path.


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