Tarot Cards. Are they Dangerous, Bad or Evil in any way?

Tarot Cards. Are they Dangerous, Bad or Evil in any way?

I decided to visit a web agency way back in 2000 when I was just getting started on Holisticshop.co.uk and met the boss in a conference room.  He was very careful to address me as a customer.

I informed him of my thoughts, my capability to give readings and to my surprise; he said he cannot design websites that are related to tarots or porn. Without further ado, I was sent out and I was surprised that I wasn’t even given the chance to argue my point and I never got any feedback why.

This is just an example of how some people have a negative mind towards Tarot. What is the reality though?

It is important to note that Tarot cards are manufactured using a glossy card and colored inks in a factory. They are then packed in boxes and distributed to retailers who sell them to the public.  Tarot cards are goods, therefore, there is no point at which they are cursed or blessed by people.

There should be no cause of the alarm, and if there is then I propose how tarot cards should be presented which is very different from the actual cards.

What is Tarot?

A document where there is a representation of life situations or energy by each and every Tarot card is known as the Tarot.

The importance of the card is seen in a good deck which makes us spot it very fast.

There is a possibility of negative thoughts when the decks are painted black by someone. It is quite fortunate that the world we live in has good publishers like US Games and Lo Scarabeo who prevents unsuitable documents from being identified by the press.

Are Evil Cards there?

“Bad” cards such as “death”, “The Tower” should be identified as evil cards. Although some individuals portray them as being bad and that is capable of scaring individuals.

The individual giving the reading

Tarot reading can be translated in my opinion. The vitalities can be seen by the reader then translated into words and a tale that is not difficult to comprehend.

Paying for tarot card reading is disadvantageous; this is because during the reading you might find it hard revealing a lot of information to the reader since you still want proof that they are a good reader. And this also has an impact. It will make the reader’s work difficult. A translation might be affected by the reader’s emotions although they can do a good reading despite the impacts.

Readers use their instincts to direct their emotions and how they feel then relay whatever they have to the individual seated in front of them. It needs care especially towards the person who is being given a reading.

A reading can affect how we behave in the future. Therefore, I am concerned about tarot being dangerous.

You have free will to make any decision. If a tarot reader tells says you should have 3 children you can’t stick to that but you can go ahead and have many children. A tarot reader should not dictate your life.

However, some tarot readers are open-minded and will tell you to do what you think is best for you.

A palm reader once told me that when I reach 35 there would be changes in my life and it was true. I had changes when I became 35 and even after that.

There is always power in a reader’s statement. Though there might truth or no truth at all.

Foretelling the future

You need to be cautious when requesting for a prophecy about your future coz it can break you.

If you are reading this and you have a future prediction that’s stressing you up, I am here to tell you that we are capable of changing that prophecy.

Make sure you are well aware of what you want.  Not being straight forward is understandable but if I go to someone to do me reading then I would tell them “No long-term future predictions please.”

You can decrease the chance of a bad reading by following the steps below

  • Pray before a reading or before giving a reading and hope all goes well according to your plans.
  • Believe in your intuition. If you feel that you don’t need to go on with a reading then stop it.
  • You can ask for opinions from people who had once visited that reader and if there is anything to worry about.
  • You should be ready for the outcome of the reading.

Most tarot readers have their clients’ interests at heart and will give you a good reading.

Through Tarot cards we are able to see life in a different way and I personally think it is nice. All the best!