Using Tarot to Find Your Soulmate

Using Tarot to Find Your Soulmate

A soulmate is someone that you will have a strong connection with. This person comes to you through your psychic pull, and it will be someone that you share unconditional love with.

Have you wanted to meet your soulmate, or do you want to know when this might happen? Doing a soulmate tarot card spread can give you the answers that you need.

Using the Soulmate Tarot Card Spread

If you are on a journey to find your soulmate, you can figure out the right tarot card spread to give you answers. With the soulmate tarot card spread, you can get a reading that can tell you more about your past relationships and what kind of traits your soulmate will have.

Understanding the Cards:

  • Card 1: The physical traits your soulmate will have.
  • Card 2: The personality traits that your soulmate has.
  • Card 3: What kind of strengths your soulmate has.
  • Card 4: Struggles that your soulmate is facing.
  • Card 5: How you can let things go from your past relationship to attract your new soulmate.
  • Card 6: Where you will meet your soulmate.
  • Card 7: The things you and your soulmate will have in common.
  • Card 8: How you can make preparations to meet your soulmate.

This is a great tarot spread for understanding your soulmate more. As you figure out these cards, you can manifest your soulmate into your life. The best way to do this is to make a list of the things that you want in a soulmate. Once you meet them, you will be able to check off the list of the things that come to you.

Figuring Out if They Are Your Soulmate

Have you met someone that you have had a very strong connection with? You might wonder if this is someone that is your soulmate or not. There is a tarot card spread called the, “Are they your soulmate,” spread that can help you know.

Understanding the Cards:

  • Card 1: Are they your soulmate?
  • Card 2: What causes our bond to be strong?
  • Card 3: What struggles do we have?
  • Card 4: What lessons am I supposed to learn from them?
  • Card 5: How can I prepare for my soulmate to come?

Not all soulmates are going to be romantic partners, but you can still have a connection with someone, and they can still be your soulmate. A karmic connection though can also be a strong bond, but they are not your soulmate.

Easy Soulmate Tarot Spread

After you have met your soulmate, you might want to understand your relationship more. This is an easy soulmate tarot card spread to try:

  • Card 1: The energy your soulmate has towards you.
  • Card 2: The energy you have towards them.
  • Card 3: What is happening in your relationship.

The great thing about this spread is that you can get clarity fast and easy.

Past Life Lovers Tarot Spread

Soulmates will come from a different life that you may have lived in and when you meet them again, chances are that they are your soulmate. They are someone that has come to your life to teach you a lesson. You might be with them forever or you might only be with them until you learn your lesson. If you want to learn more about our past life connection, this is the perfect spread:

  • Card 1: Who were they in my past life?
  • Card 2: What lessons did you teach each other?
  • Card 3: Are you together?
  • Card 4: What kind of relationship did you have in the previous life?
  • Card 5: Are they the same person that was in your past life?
  • Card 6: What made them come?
  • Card 7: What kind of relationships do you have with them?
  • Card 8: How can you not make the same mistakes?

You need to learn about your past life connections so that you don’t make the same mistakes. Karmic lessons come to you and as you get stronger with your soulmate then you won’t fall into the same patterns over and over.

You should pay attention to your soulmate and honor the connection that you have been given with them. If you want to get a soulmate reading, make sure that you smudge, take a salt bath, or meditate before you do your reading.