What Does Your Tarot Reader See?

Tarot Reader

Those visiting a tarot card reader may be overwhelmed. The 78-card deck full of color and images are highly visual. Some can look fierce but may not mean anything terrible at all. Have you ever wondered what your tarot reader is seeing in all those complicated spreads?

Know the Basics

A tarot suit will have cups, swords, wands, and pentacles. The tarot suits are often what sets the tone in the spread. Suits are symbolic of the creation element, which refers to the genuine truth that all of existence is constructed on the four elements that include air, water, fire, and earth.

All of philosophy is based on these cornerstones and the tarot cards were created on this philosophy. After all, universal truths are natural on the earth and nothing can change those truths.

Once you have an understanding of the suits and how they are important to the foundation of tarot readings, you can move on to learn about the cards.

The one thing to remember about tarot cards is that they can mean different things depending on what cards are nearby in the spread and how they are in relation to the suits.

It can get quite complicated.

The Cards

Each card represents something and learning what all they represent can present challenges for those unfamiliar with them.

For instance, the suit of swords is symbolic of air. This is representative of everything mental like thoughts, writing, creativity, and communication. It also defines new beginnings.

Fire is represented by the suit of wands, which symbolizes action and transformation. It can also mean victory over a personal conflict.

The water sign is represented by the suits of cups. These deal with aspects of emotion, love, soulmates, relationships, and true love. An ace of cups means you will have success in love.

Finally, the earth element symbolized the physical world and all things created with an idea, created in action and out of passion. All of this is represented in the pentacles or the card of coins.

As the card suggests, it deals with all material things like property, possessions, career, and money.

The tarot deck is broken down into specific genres. For instance, a portion is dedicated to the Law or, as it is called, the Major Arcana. These cards are used with the suit cards to offer details of the situation. This is a key component of a spread and can come up a lot if you are looking at how to handle a specific problem.

A lot of this also depends on the tarot reader’s natural intuition to put them together correctly. When you seek out a tarot card reader, be sure to find someone who has a keen understanding of the cards along with wisdom and intuition in reading them.

It is helpful if the person doing the reading has a good bit of experience. That will mean they are confident in their interpretation and won’t lead you astray.

Understanding the basics of tarot cards may give you more insight when your card reader pulls them. Don’t be afraid to ask your reader specific questions about the spread. They love to teach people about their craft.

Besides asking questions may bring up other issues the tarot reader may not notice that lie underneath the obvious interpretation of the cards.

Quite often, a tarot card spread contains a more shadowy, deeper meaning below the obvious. It can take some time for your tarot read to figure that out.